Monday, December 28, 2015

For Now We See Through a Glass, Darkly

Recently, my husband and I traveled to Latrobe, Pennsylvania, where I worked at St. Vincent’s College for four days. On the way there, we had two unique experiencesread more

Our route followed Route 322 to State College, and then Route 99, a straight four-lane road with little traffic. Other times on Route 99, we enjoyed the panoramic view of the countryside of trees, houses, and small villages. Our favorite part is the view of giant windmill turbines perched on the neighboring mountain top. 

On this day, we observed the same view in a different wayfrom above a blanket of fog! The whole area looked like a river with islands. The trees, houses,and villages lay hidden. Rising out of the river-like fog were a few higher mounds. Wisps of fog decorated the mountains beyond, where the turbines looked like slivers of light. 

The faint white lines are the windmill turbines.
Our other unusual experience happened as we passed an on-ramp. We thought we saw a pickup truck driving backwards up the ramp! We and the pickup truck traveled about the same speed. When the truck reached the top of the ramp ready to join us on Route 99, we laughed as the rest of the situation became clear. The pickup truck sat backwards on a roll back truck. 

Isn’t so much of life like that? Our perception of a situation, our own life, or another person is covered with a fog or distorted some way?

We have had many foggy nights lately, and my commute home often seems to take forever. My body tenses up as soon as the fog becomes thick like cream. In the dark, my eyes become solely focused on the lines which guide my every move. I dare not take my eyes off of the road even though I've driven this same path for 6 1/2 years. I have to be dependent on the lines even though they are only visible two feet in front of me. I have to watch my speed in order to avoid miscalculating a turn or hitting something that has fallen on the road. The drive is tedious and time consuming. It's stressful and sometimes exhausting.
But God and I talk. My walk sometimes takes me through a fog. Jesus wants me to focus on him even though I can only see him two feet in front of me. He knows the way and guides me through every turn. Sometimes it's stressful, and I'm tired. Some days I don't understand, but there is an awesome feeling when I drive out of the fog and into the clear night air. It's a sense of relief. I can finally relax. Christine Stottle, Facebook, December 8, 2015

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 King James Version 

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